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Old 11-11-2007, 12:24 PM
EWillers EWillers is offline
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Posts: 227
Default Re: The dealer said I couldn\'t do it

Interestingly enough the people who don't think the players should be allowed to do this only have one reason thats is because its the rule.

[/ QUOTE ]

True, this is the primary reason (and in my opinion the best argument) to disallow.

But also, what of the two players who "agree" to something and then there is a dispute as to what they actually agreed to.

What is the dealer/floor to do? Revert back to whatever "rules" the house may have? Throw said "rules" out the window and try to discern the new "rules" (the agreement) these two players have conjured?

I think in a perfect world it is the players' game. Ten years ago, any house runnin' a NL hold'em game would be foolish to disallow agreements between players. There were prolly < 1000 people in the world who played NL.

To continue to hold such a view in the modern era of poker is pollyannaish. The game needs rules (even in the higher--maybe not the highest--but at least the highER limits) to coordinate the massive influx of new, inexperienced, and oh so blessed players.
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