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Old 11-11-2007, 12:06 PM
Steelerman Steelerman is offline
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Default Re: \"opening up\" at uNL = drop in bb/100?


15/9/3 should be able to wreck 25NL and 50NL for that matter. If you find specific situations when you're playing (i.e. open limp/folders in MP when you have the button and you can raise ATC) then let the numbers take their natural course.

FWIW, many winning players at NL100 play close to a 15/9 game and do very, very well. I'd imagine it would even play pretty well at NL200. So bottom line...great job doing what you're doing. Just keep it up and do alot more of it. Just play your game until it no longer works, at which point you may have to make adjustments.

Opening up at a lower level just for the sake of thinking about higher level opponents exploiting you a year down the road doesn't seem optimal.
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