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Old 11-11-2007, 04:58 AM
Bigdaddydvo Bigdaddydvo is offline
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Default Re: The state of Notre Dame football.

Not sure what's left to write at this point.

Weis has clearly lost this team. They're undisciplined, can't block, can't tackle, and act like they don't want to be out on the football field. It seems the team has said [censored] it and just wants the season to end. I've seen baseball teams 30 games out of first place in September play with more passion and urgency.

This is clearly one of the worst teams in college football history. What is so disheartening is the abject lack of any improvement from week to week. OK, he tried a gimmick scheme the first week and set back his players' development. Fine. Still there's no reason they should be THIS BAD against THIS opposition THIS LATE in the season.

If Irish fans want to blame Ty for not having a championship caliber team this season, that's fine. By that same token, total blame falls on Weis for not fielding even a remotely competitive team against mediocre opposition.

I expect we'll rightfully be underdogs to both Duke and Stanford. I assess the probability of a 1-11 season to be in the neighborhood of 50%.

The current recruiting class, assuming it holds together (a big assumption at this point) is his only saving grace. He'll need at least 8 wins next year to keep his job (which right now I will believe when I see).

The one concession I ask is for the lame "Fat Charlie" and "Jabba the Weis" jokes to stop. It's a huge insult to other fat coaches who are actually good at what they do like Mark Mangino at Kansas or Rick Majarus of Saint Louis's basketball squad.
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