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Old 11-11-2007, 04:46 AM
NotFadeAway NotFadeAway is offline
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Location: Canton, Georgia
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Default Re: This kinda pissed me off


I can't continue reading this thread. You're driving me nuts.

Despite what you think of their return policy, I'm willing to bet that they have it posted in the store somewhere, probably right by a cash register. If not, I'm pretty sure that had you asked before you made your purchase, they would have been happy to inform you of their policy. If you had bothered to find this information out beforehand, then you could have saved yourself all of this frustration and only your close friends would have known that you're an idiot - now all of OOT knows.

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It's funny how many random morons there are on this forum in particular. I would have bought the game even if I knew what the policy was assuming I still didn't know about the other game, given I wasn't expecting to return it when I bought it.

Your entire post is laughable. Are you saying I shouldn't be allowed to disagree with a policy? What about laws you know exist that you disagree with? Because they exist and because you're currently forced to live with them you're an idiot for suggesting something else?

Seriously, what you're saying is completely retarded. Have you never made a mistake in your life? Have you ever bought something without researching every other version of the same product? Have you ever been naive about anything? Have you ever done anything that you've come to regret? The amount of ignorance some of you guys have is incredible and is starting to really put me on forum tilt. Somebody lock this thread for my sanity.

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Why post this problem if you're just gonna get mad at everyone who disagrees with you? You asked for opinions, so don't go off on everyone for offering them (even if 100% say you're wrong.) And why do you keep posting here if it bothers you so much? Just accept your mistake (and the fact that everyone in OOT thinks you're an idiot) and don't read this thread anymore.
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