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Old 11-10-2007, 10:22 PM
saviva saviva is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 20
Default Re: when to start considering withdrawing money?

I keep my roll at an amount where my chances of going broke are low, about 600BB (some people choose more or less, there's some complicated math about it you can look up somewhere). So right now I am playing $1/2 shorthanded limit on a roll of $1200. So, I just cash out significant amounts (ex. last cashout was $200) over $1200.
I think it's really important to not cash out tiny amounts all the time, that makes the focus of my game too much about the money instead of good decision making. Though it's tempting b/c it feels good to cashout. You need a balance. I think I am just going to start cashing out once a month.
Also, I keep my bankroll very separate from all my other finances. I don't dip in, or donate from my real life money to my roll.
Another thing. Right now I am moving up stakes to $2/4. I'm doing sort of a half and half cashout/bankroll building so that I can (I hope!) cashout & build my roll to survive higher stakes.
I just play for a little side income but my husband is pro, and I learn a lot of these things from him. So far so good. Good luck!
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