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Old 11-10-2007, 08:48 PM
ghostface ghostface is offline
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Default Re: High School Pimpin\' (or the lack thereof)

Guys, the library meeting was a disaster. I get there and she is there talking to another guy. Well I did not know him, but I think I recognize him from the football team. Anyway so he is talking to her and as I come up she says she will just be a minute. She then writes something on a piece of paper and gives it to him. Was that her phone number??? Okay so fast forward twenty minutes, we are talking about my paper, and I casually ask her what she is doing this weekend. She says she is going to some college party her friends are going to to, but does not elaborate or ask if I want to go. Huge beat! So anyway I stalked around facebook for around an hour today and I think I found the party they are going to. It's about a twenty minute drive from my house, and I have a car, and I think I am just going to try and show up. The flyer I found says there is a ten dollar cover charge, is that normal? It obv. isn't a lot of money, but I was thinking that this means they would be less likely to turn me away? Anyway I was thinking of bringing fifty and giving it to the man at the door, maybe like a tip so I don't have to wait and maybe I get more beer or something. Okay so once I am there, what do I do? Find English class girl, or just hit on hot college sloots? I hear that once they get drunk they just hop on your dick, but I don't know because I have never been to a party before. Okay one last question. Should I bring condoms? I have never bought one before, so do I buy them in a pack or can I just get singles? And should I practice putting them on in the car before I get there so I know what I'm doing? My plan is to take the drunk sloot back to my car if she wants to hook up, but do you think it would be better to drive to a motel or something? Alright, wish me luck BBV4L, TR to come!

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i am way too drunk for this. my advice is to cheat on her.
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