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Old 11-10-2007, 08:20 PM
Buzz Buzz is offline
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Default Re: [PLO8] I play retarded, comments on river?

Hi Garcia - Keep in mind that pot-limit is not my primary game.

1-C(43,8)/C(45,8) = 0.673 so that it's about two to one that neither of your two opponents has a jack after this flop, assuming no bias for or against jacks.

But when you bet and UTG calls, regardless of his loose gambling tendencies, that has to be a bit scary. However, UTG did not bet and then did not check-raise.

My guess is UTG wants to create the illusion of loose, fearless play, and he hopes to out-play you by being more fearless than you on the river.

I don't think he has a jack - but if you don't bet the turn he won't think you have a jack either - and then he'll bet the river, playing you for weak/tight.

So the question is, how much does it take to convince him that you have a good hand and will not be scared away.

If you both started with about 200 bucks, you both should have roughly a pot sized bet left. Might that do it? I'd give it a shot.

Bet the pot ($131) on the turn.

Once you check, he's probably going to bet the river, regardless of what it is, hoping to out-play you. (You won't know for certain why he is betting and might fold a better hand - or if low becomes possible on the river, he probably will have a better low than you).

So I think you should take that play (of his betting the pot on the river) away from him, instead putting him under pressure by betting the pot on the turn.

At any rate, what do you do now that you checked the turn and UTG bet the river?

First of all, hate yourself for letting UTG sneak in there with a low. Then hate yourself some more for letting UTG steal your thunder.

But finally, bite the bullet and call. (1) He probably has low and thus you're betting two to win one, but I think you'll win the one often enough to counterbalance the times you lose two.
(2) And you might get lucky and scoop.
(3) Finally, by calling on the river, you might make him less likely to put you under pressure in the future.

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