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Old 11-10-2007, 08:08 PM
Python49 Python49 is offline
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Default Re: New Laptop.... (What to get?)

Kind of new when it comes to computer tech type stuff but i'm looking for something similar to the OP.... except I want the biggest screen possible and best resolution possible for a laptop, the size of it is not a big deal since i'll mostly be travleing with it and setting it up in hotels and such. My main concerns would be power of the laptop.... I want to be able to have lots of programs open without the laptop getting really slow, I want the battery life when not plugged in to be as nice as possible, and i'd want the 1600x1200 resolution/big monitor as mentioned already. Also if possible id' like for the laptop to be able to be set up with my desktop to be used as a third monitor (not sure if this is possible for all laptops). I was going to make a new thread about this but any recommendations here might be enough.
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