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Old 11-10-2007, 06:49 PM
Mr. Now Mr. Now is offline
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Default Re: Giving the long dollar trade another try

I apologize for being hard to understand, both in content and motive for posting here from time to time.

Mr. Now doesn't see any citations of any academics in his reply to the OP, which is the item you refer to.

Mr. Now does not quote Tharp, Covel nor Elder.
Mr. Now in fact considers the Tharp stuff to be pure theory and possibly, empty calories.

Mr. Now has deep respect for the author Mr. Mark Douglas.
Understanding what Douglas is actually teaching may be difficult without 5 or more years actual experience trading. Certainly, his ideas have value, and may in fact be priceless in the hands of certain readers.

My intent in posting here-- specifically about trading-- is to catch the attention of-- and help, a few-- the very few that are actually doing the extremely hard work necessary to be successful at trading.

Mr. Now is no theorist. It is in fact ironic that you think this, since I am in fact skewed toward a very empirical approach.

Mr. Now notices that there are zero quotations of any purported theorists in the reply-post of mine that you refer to, above.

I read constantly. Any quotations Mr. Now cites are incidental to that process.

For example:

“Practice is the best of all instructors”
Publilius, 1st century Latin writer of maxims

“Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn no other”
Benjamin Franklin

Some of what Mr. Now is reading now:

REMINISCENCES OF STOCK OPERATOR by Edwin Lefevre (4th or 5th reading)

Again I apologize for being hard for you to understand, both in content and in motive for posting.
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