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Old 11-10-2007, 06:24 PM
AWoodside AWoodside is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 415
Default Re: What Of People Who Start Smoking Now

By people who get lung cancer "through no fault of their own" do you mean older people who started smoking before it was widely acknowledged to be a health risk, or people who have never smoked, but happen to get lung cancer anyway?

As far as viewing them differently, if somebody wants to make what I would (subjectively) view as a massively negative expected value decision, I wont begrudge them the right to make that choice. That being said, I'd certainly be less likely to personally identify or become good friends with such a person. And really, given the exponentially increasing advances in medical technology, a decent argument could be made that starting to smoke now isn't quite as -EV as my gut would tell me anyway.
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