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Old 11-10-2007, 01:30 PM
GengisKum GengisKum is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Italy
Posts: 40
Default BRAG: punched an idiot but possible hudge beat W/ PICS

Ok so yesterday I was on the school bus and there was this guy who thinks he's so cool who has been making funs of me since september when school started.

He's sitting in front of me and he starts looking at me and laughing with his idiot mate. After a while he says very loud "HEY NICE JACKET".

It's a jacket that my uncle bought me from the usa fwiw. I'm really proud of it but it's pretty large for me, but I don't care and I thought it would be cool to wear it anyway<font color="white"> IMO LOZL</font>

So I'm really sick of this guy, I mean he doesn't even know me, and without saying a word I instapunch him on his face. Huge noise because his head crashed against the window of the bus ldo.
He jumps up and we start fighting but it's pretty hard because the bus is full of people. I'm making funs of his mum while we fight. Then the bus driver yelled something like "stop it or get out of my bus if you wanna go on fighting fwiw". At the end we just stop, and I'm a huge hero imo because I feel that everyone is approving what I did.

But the guy is bigger than me and he's prolly a mafioso cause he's always wearing a hat I've seen in the movies about mafia and when the bus got to my stop the guy said me "see you tomorrow at school". I know I'm gonna get beat very hard.

here's the jacket

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