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Old 11-10-2007, 01:11 PM
toddxlogan toddxlogan is offline
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Default Re: NL50 - C-bet hits something, confusion ensues.

I think this is more interesting than you guys are giving it credit for . . .

Why would villain not raise a set here? The flop has an A, and a thinking player knows that a flop raise gets a hell of a lot less respect than a turn one, and that I probably shut down to turn action with "my ace" if he does anything on the turn. On the other hand, a flopraise makes a ton of sense with a set. Also, what would make him donk the turn with a set as opposed to c/r? (I guess that goes for a straight as well . . .)

Raise turn I think is probably a damn good move. But stack sizes make it pretty awkward. I put in a good size raise and I now have 30some in the middle, and we are 200bb deep. He shoves, do I feel good calling 200bb's off here?

Yeah 67 seems unlikely, but his line would be consistent with it, there are 16 combos of it, and there are only 18 combos of possible sets here. Given that I have 0 equity against those 16 combos of 67 and, what, 70 percent against those sets, I think theres at least soooome merit to considering it.

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