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Old 11-10-2007, 10:07 AM
tangled tangled is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 318
Default Re: It\'s been a pleasure working with you all *DELETED*

I agree with 2+2's position on the PPA's lack of transparency. Opacity breeds and feeds corruption and in the long run that is harmful to our cause even if there is significant short term gain.

However, on this point you are just plain wrong. This forum helps our cause because it is informal. This forum shares one of the powers of an university in that free ideas can be offered and explored without fear of long term consequence. Anybody can say pretty much whatever they want here, allowing golden ideas to be planted and the careful reader to sift them from the sand.

When you require some of your posters to don their cloak of position, then this forum's informality and its power are diminished.

If your concern is with the consistency of a forum rule, then maybe the rule itself is flawed and should be amended. If your concern is with some people getting the wrong idea, then sticky a disclaimer.

Indeed, by singling out the PPA here,
your problems with the PPA smacks of something personal.