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Old 11-10-2007, 07:00 AM
fartman77 fartman77 is offline
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Default Re: The Right Brain vs Left Brain test

i'm tellin ya, if you want to see it go counter-clockwise:

focus on the very bottom, the shadow of the figure. Mainly the shadow of the tip of her elevated foot. It starts on the bottom right corner and arcs to the bottom left corner.

Keep your eyes on this foot shadow, follow it as if it is making a full counterclockwise ellipse even though the bottom half 180 degrees is cut off from the screen.

Ok, so you're following the ellipse rotation many times. Now, slowly move your eyes up while maintaining the counterclockwise rotation (like drawing a tornado with your eyes from the bottom up). As you are looking from the legs up to her body, hopefully you will see the whole figure goin counter. Hope this helps.
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