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Old 11-10-2007, 05:41 AM
bellytimber bellytimber is offline
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Default Re: Survivor China OFFICIAL THREAD

James -- is absolutely no dope. Deserves to win so far. Also I think he's been the most reliable guy for funny quips.

Frosti -- in a standard immunity challenge, he's the only one left with a chance at beating James. With eight people left there will probably be either five or six total immunity challenges, and of those five or six challenges, three or four of them will probably be bluntly physical and james will be like an 75% favorite, frosti 20% tops, field 5%.
(Frosti is also smart and seemingly well-liked, he's a threat to win the million if james falters)

Todd -- plays the best mental game imo, but it still might not get him to final three. I do think his decision to spare james was calculated and not spite-based, but I think it was probably the wrong decision--from their perspective they really needed to blindside James right then. Todd isn't my favorite guy ever, but he irritates me much less than I thought he would circa episode 2.

Amanda -- overrated imo. piggybacking on todd's strategies. She seems nice enough, and her ass is probably the only thing left that I wish wouldn't get blurred, but she's been too wallpapery to win the game. I think in a vote she would lose to everyone left except Courtney, and even that's not a sure thing

Courtney -- her New York club kid too-uncool-for-school routine is really wearing thin (zing) with me--pardon the psychological profile but she just seems almost unwatchably insecure. But I think JR could be proven prophetic: Lame duck players tend to stick around.

Denise -- I think she could absolutely be around for a while, James would be happy to take her into final 2 given the chance, he genuinely likes her. It's useless to read tea leaves with the editing, they do a pretty good job of mixing things up with red herrings, but I do think the whole "I'm always picked last" angle we heard from Denise is the kind of stuff the editors usually reserve for people who are going to be around for awhile, especially if they ultimately end up being accepted by alpha players like James.

Erik -- seems like a swell guy for a virgin, though he does divulge too much information in general. If he hadn't said anything to JR about James having the two idols then it's possible James would be gone. But I do think he's a decent enough guy, at least I like him much better than...

PG -- it's really retarded how she acts as if she still has some control--she essentially has had zero for the entire game. If she manages to hang on for another week or two I am already rolling my eyes at the speeches she will be delivering about "how [she] was smart enough to still be here, I've outlasted and outwitted so many people," etc. She makes me mad because I really liked her at first, and she's obviously a thinking player, but she's queen of rationalization. I think IRL she'd probably be pretty cool, but she's kind of choked away this season--imo other players in other seasons have finessed much more with much less to work with.

IMO it's going to be pretty hard to take James out, and I think in most scenarios it involves Denise telling him a bald lie, which at this point is hard for me to imagine.
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