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Old 11-10-2007, 04:42 AM
wilneedheart wilneedheart is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 49
Default Re: Gobboboy has opinions too!

Jimmy, I can understand some players being in awe of "tv stars" but doesn't that make them poor players? I mean, being a great poker player is more than calculating pot odds, right? It is about "heart" right? If a player's nerve cannot hold up under all circumstances then he has a lot to learn about the multi-faceted game we call poker. I mean, in certain situations it takes just as much "heart" to lay a good hand down as it does to put all the chips in the centre.

When I first saw you at the Aussie Millions I noticed Erik Seidel in seat 7 with what appeared to be a look of awe and bewilderment on his face. So it cuts both ways, right?

I think you make a good point, though. And it is something that more internet players need to take into account. I think after you publicly bringing this subject to our attention the weaker internet players are now in a position to work harder at this aspect of their game. And in future there will be no excuse as you have pointed them in the right direction to a level playing field.

And pointing the finger of blame at somebody else because we are afraid to bluff them only means we lack bluff. And pointing the finger is a bit weak too. We need to take responsibility for our own lack of courage rather than projecting the cause of our fears onto someone else. Taking responsibility for our own decisions is what makes someone a man, right?
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