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Old 11-09-2007, 11:43 PM
Army Eye Army Eye is offline
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Default Re: Scotty Nguyen says High Stakes Poker is fake? (x-post from t.v.)

If the game were 'fake', there are two possibilites with the latter being more likely. 1. GSN is running a completely fake game where no money changes hands (this possibility can be pretty well refuted, as has been done in this thread) or 2. many or all of the players have worked out an agreement where they give back each other's money after the game, content with collecting the hourly wage and the coveted TV time. In the latter scenario, most likely it would be among only the players that know each other very well, which would exclude the rich whales, the online noobs, etc. As far as they knew, the game would be on the up and up.
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