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Old 11-09-2007, 10:50 PM
Shagadelic Shagadelic is offline
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Default Re: Interesting B+M situation with verbal bets binding situation and K

So like I said, there was an interesting Karma situation by the riv.

After floor ruled correctly that the 500 bet stands, the other guy was so distraught, and counting out his chips, this guy wasn't a douchebag, just made a four hundred dollar mistake, So I made a deal with him, offered to buy him out of the bet for $300 instead of $500, so he got to keep $200 of the bet.

I know that of course poker is about being competitive and trying to stack people, but in my mind it was an honest mistake (though stupid) and I was really up for the weekend, so I was willing to cut the guy some slack... Though I did end up stacking him later that night...
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