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Old 11-09-2007, 09:21 PM
ahsfl ahsfl is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 79
Default Re: Quality of play improving at a higher level?

Reading through the responses here I guess that I mistated the topic here, have a lot of you expereienced upswings from moving up due to the fact that there are as rek said fewer donks, fewer morons looking to draw out to longshots because it only costs them $4-$5 to call that allin instead of $40-$50. I struggled for weeks at 10NL with only 2 winning sessions, no major losses, but now in my first week in 50 NL with a few hundred hands at 100NL when there aren't soft enough games at 50 I've only recorded 2 losing sessions, mind you not all have been huge, but I feel I'm playing better poker as in stepping up to what I feel is the par. Just wanted to clarify
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