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Old 11-09-2007, 08:31 PM
salesbeast salesbeast is offline
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Default Re: AP insider update on some questions....

I am only sharing info I have found elsewhere....the fact that I am new @ 2+2 doesn't mean anything as I have been a reg board contributer to the poker scene on many sites for 4 years and do know fact from fiction and who to trust a quote from and who not. Brett gank Jungblut whether you like him or hate him is a pro and respected player who does know many employees of various sites do to them sponsering him and his crew. This AP [censored] is huge and if your young and don't care or don't understand that is why we post is to help educate. We want online poker to last for mnay years and shady activity can't be tolerated and we have to be dilligent in our pursuit of truth and justice...because we are all we have in these cases and the louder we are the more they tend to listen. Had Cmarco done nothing with that HH and just "talked" about it AP would have continued as business as usual....remember that.
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