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Old 11-09-2007, 08:22 PM
OneChordWonder OneChordWonder is offline
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Default Re: Calling an all in on an open ended straight draw - mistake?

Thanks for the advice, Blue. I usually fold mediocre hands when I'm short stack and just wait for position and/or a decent hand to shove, but the pot odds and relatively small percentage to call looked promising.

Unfortunately, I think the all in shove loses a lot of value in my league since it's free poker and you will often get multiple callers who hold weak aces and the like.

And some clarification (apologies for not using the standard format in my initial post): The villain essentially bet 4000 of his chips post flop, since he also had to call my initial 1000 bet as well as putting my remaining 3000 in. With my 1000 bet, the pot was at 3000. With his all in, the pot was raised to 7000.
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