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Old 11-09-2007, 04:40 PM
jjflash jjflash is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 67
Default Re: Home Poker vs. B&M Card Rooms

Excellent post.

I can't help but recall an article that I read in a popular poker mag. about "real" poker being played in peoples homes and in underground card rooms. It mentioned the fact that real NLHE is meant to be played with really deep stacks. This is something that you usually cannot do in card rooms because the card rooms set a maximum buy-in. They want your business and don't want you to go broke in a day or two, so the maximum buy-in sort of encourages a stop loss...that way you will maybe come back tomorrow. The maximum buy-in really hinders the way the game is supposed to be played. Many of "big name" pros cut their teeth in back rooms and basements.

I also recall Brunson mentioning this same idea in his book "Poker Wisdom of a Champion".

I will mention one other thought (at the risk of sounding like a donk). I just love the feeling that I get at home game. The smoky rooms, the chips flying, the banter....
You just don't get this feeling in a casino. Not the best reason to love home games, but I just can't help it.
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