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Old 11-09-2007, 01:12 PM
Somnius Somnius is offline
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Default Re: so i\'ll have a law degree soon...

Know how you feel Joker, I just turned down a couple scholarships to law schools in the states (I'm from Toronto) for this schoolyear to keep pursuing the internet money making world...and to decide if it's even worth it to go if you really don't have much desire to practice.

It's hard I think to really uncover if holding that degree will really benefit you in ways that 3 years of opportunity cost, x money if you're paying tuition, and a removal from your other interests, are an ev sacrifice and not a waste...especially considering 95% of the pop is conditioned to believe it's so great, which on one hand does mean it has the social value, jusitified or not, but if you have other interests or look kindly on other fields, just not sure law outweighs that. I really predict in our lifetime ( 23) there will be a paradigm shift in how it's perceived by the general public, and maybe even their pockets.

Regardless, it's still a respectable field held in high regard, I think you're going to have to uncover it's real world non-practicing value for yourself, especially considering you already started, when you finish, should you decide to, at least then you'll know. I'm going to stay away from it for a couple years and see where my mind takes me, really hard to ignore the pressure of its social weight and utility though, so I know what you're going through.

After all, as was mentioned, it gives a great amount of credbility that could very well create lots of +ev in future ventures...unfortunate if you ask me, but, it really is seen as steps above to the general about people going for the wrong reasons, how about people putting the profession on a pedestal for the wrong and often inaccurate reasons.
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