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Old 11-09-2007, 01:51 AM
jlp_2908 jlp_2908 is offline
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Default Re: $25 check up JJ hand

Whenever I 3-bet and make my cbet on the flop and they call, I always ask myself "what would they call with here? They usually fold..." I've noticed people dont like to float here cause its so expensive so he either has a big draw, the FH, 4 of a kind, or overpairs.

Board: 2c 4c 2d Qc

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 59.719% 58.67% 01.05% 981 17.50 { JcJd }
Hand 1: 40.281% 39.23% 01.05% 656 17.50 { QQ-88, 44, 22, AQs+, KQs, QJs }

Well, you HAVE to bet this turn here however only the better hands will call unless they put you on a bluff(which is what your line kind of looks like), or they are total donks. Since you want those worse hands to call might as well go all in, I think your line was better then the standard bet turn, shove river because of the fact it DOES looks bluffy....Thats my take on it.
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