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Old 11-09-2007, 12:54 AM
Thremp Thremp is offline
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Default Re: Wynton\'s routine needs help (long!, but funny little diagrams)


He has two essential fake injuries. The pinched nerve is completely immaterial. Almost everyone who's played some decent amount of football has had a pinched nerve/burner/stinger. I've had them myself. They go away when you don't keep repeating the same injury. Pretty much meaningless.

The back problem is way busto and should be addressed. Pulling your back seriously 3-4x a year (I'm gonna assume this has been going on for several years since "like clockwork" I would assume to be a decent sample size) is likely a training issue. Whatever he is doing currently kinda sucks as it hasn't covered the min issue of preventing injury.

The non-squatting stuff I've been reading is way lame. Unless you can't get up or sit down without pain there should be a way you can do squats without pain. Ramping up slowly and addressing the reason for your pain is what should be going down.

While I'm not as hard on to him keeping it slow like Smiley. He's not 20 and his weight lifting has been pretty poor for a long time and he's also doing a good bit of other physical activity that is gonna tax his recovery. Even putting him on a low intensity SS would likely overtax his recovery. I'm not really sure how you'd modify a beginner plan with his stipulations especially since he's not really addressing his injuries in a fairly basic way.

Though I will likely be starting to do some "athletic" type training in the near future and will report how the results are.
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