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Old 11-08-2007, 09:21 PM
iron81 iron81 is offline
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Default Re: Pretty good exposure here.

Generally, candidates who think they have no shot drop out and "release" their delegates. That means that it is up to each delegate to decide who to support, although they may consider the recommendation of the candidate and most of them wind up supporting the nominee. Usually, candidates keep dropping out until the only candidates left are gadflies staying in for exposure and the eventual nominee who starts racking up majorities.

I honestly don't know how delegates are awarded. Between the Dems and the GOP, one party is winner take all and gives all of a state's delegates to a plurarlity, the other awards delegates proportionally, but I don't know which is which. If no candidate secures a majority of delegates, the delegates may switch their preferences and they keep voting at the convention until a candidate has a majority.
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