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Old 11-08-2007, 06:31 PM
ElSapo ElSapo is offline
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Default Paul Simon / Brett Dennen -- why do they sound alike?

OOT - this is driving me nuts. Any Paul Simon fans out there that can help me?

So, being a complete sucker for catchy and happy music (and highly susceptible to corporate advertising, I must add), I've been stuck on this song all day...

"Darlin' Do Not Fear," by Brett Dennen. You can find the song on his myspace page:

I like this song a lot, but I'm assuming that's open to ridicule. Alas. I found it after watching a commercial for Hilton Hotels. What can I say.

But between the 1:35 and 1:45 mark in this song it sounds -exactly- like some Paul Simon song I can't quite place. It may be the lyric or it may be the rhythm, I don't know...

Anyone else think it's really similar? Any idea why?

I found some sort of interview that listed Paul Simon as one of his first musical influences, but it's this song and that exact segment that is driving me nuts...

I thought it was similar to Simon's "You're The One" album, but it's not quite it. This is driving me nuts.
