Thread: Motorcycles
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Old 11-08-2007, 05:39 PM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: Motorcycles

Katy, if you ever get in a wreck while wearing sandles, Orlando will cry because you will probably rip off a few toes. Please wear shoes. You won't be very sexy if you can't walk straight.

I can say from experience that when the time comes, you must be able to trust your instincts when it comes to a wreck.

I used to be a bike messenger, and it is for this reason that I will never buy a motorcycle. The hardest thing to dodge is a car cutting you off while they are making a left turn or a u-turn. The best you can do at that point is pick the spot on the car that looks like it will hurt the least, usually the front end.

I have been in the hospital twice: once for bruised ribs and the second for a dislocated shoulder, which required 6 months of message therapy, and still messes with me these days. I also had my leg under a front tire of a car tire, and that resulted in a bum knee. Today, I sometimes limp, especially if it cold outside. In the worse impacts, I was riding at about 30 mph on a 20 pound machine, I can't imagine the impact at 75 mph on a 700 pound machine.

I wore a leather jacket when it was cold outside. The time I bruised my ribs, I hit the door of the car, was tossed on top of the car, and fell on my bum. Despite the leather, my skin did not lacerate, it exploded.

Please be more careful.
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