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Old 11-08-2007, 04:48 PM
TheProdigy TheProdigy is offline
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Default Re: This is how you burninate a level:

Good analogy, yes or no?

To be able to produce a consistent return in anything, one must prove that the game is not decided by chance but by skill. In baseball, the Yankees always buy the best players and consistently produce returns, by making the playoffs every year. Although nearly everyone considers baseball to be considered a skill game, there are luck factors in it just like there are luck factors in poker. James McManus, a writer for The New York Times, points out the luck factors in baseball. He talks about how different umpires could call one pitch a strike and one a ball, how the wind can push down a ball that could be a home-run one day and how it could make a ball that wasn’t hit well a home-run the next day (D7). Although luck is a factor in the game, the reason that the Yankees keep winning is that skill is the biggest factor in the long-run. It is easy to illustrate the long-run by showing that the Yankees keep making the playoffs because of a long season where they win consistently. Unfortunately, these same Yankees haven’t won a championship in many years because in each round of the playoffs the teams only play until one team wins three games. Even though the Yankees may be the better team, natural factors and things out of their control have led to their losses in the short-term playoffs recently.