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Old 11-08-2007, 01:20 PM
Artsemis Artsemis is offline
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Default Re: is Vista worth it for DX10?

Gamespot did a screen shot comparison of DX9 vs DX10 for Crysis.

dx10 not a big deal imo

[/ QUOTE ]

Still screenshots is about the worst way possible to compare a graphics engine.

I agree dx10 isn't a huge deal but it's far from unnoticeable as those screenshots like to imply. They don't capture the motion blur, dynamic lighting, or advanced shader techniques.

Dx10 will be huge, but right now it's not too big of a deal. As for vista... it's the same as always... Windows 98 was 'the' gaming OS for awhile after XP came out until systems improved. Personally, I'd recommend Vista if you have 4 gigs of ram or more, otherwise just stick with XP for now.
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