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Old 11-08-2007, 11:56 AM
bogey1 bogey1 is offline
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Default What to raise at a loose, but low PFR table?

I've been playing min-stack for a while (.5/1). Partly for the short stack strategy of getting all in preflop, but partly just to lessen the cost of my stupidity as I learn PLO.

However, fairly often getting a significant amount in preflop is damn near impossible as no one at the table will raise preflop! Last night I must have gone 5 orbits without seeing a single raise.

In holdem, I know how to play these as you tend to raise good multiway hands. I assume in PLO it's much the same? Raise preflop with things like 89TJds? Unlike Holdem though, is the value in raising big pairs in PLO in this type of environment? Given you have to hit to win in PLO multiway pots, unlike holdem, is it better to play the big pairs cheap for set value?
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