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Old 11-08-2007, 10:18 AM
Schneids Schneids is offline
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Default Re: My take... [long]

To me this place is kind of like high school, though considering the whole poker community is in many ways like that, it shouldn't really be surprising.

You've got your jocks who think they're hot [censored], the tweener prep-jocks who are liked by almost everybody but don't actually fit into any particular group and sort of waiver back and forth based on who they're around, the band/speech/play nerds who quietly laugh at the former (and are equally laughed at by the former) but go about their business generally respectfully, and then the goths under the staircase who don't really give a [censored] about any of the high school drama and just go about doing their thing, their own way, almost always in a respectfully decent manner but occasionally by shooting up the school.

We can't really contain the masses until we as mods stop being our own ego train within this already cluttered up mess of a hierarchy that exists amongst the forum users.

I read the Mod forum regularly but am pretty oblivious to what all the mod-fighting is over (I guess a fair amount has occurred offline and in private?), so I guess that makes me one part prep-jock, one part goth.
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