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Old 11-08-2007, 04:06 AM
GoCubsGo GoCubsGo is offline
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Default Re: New Laptop.... (What to get?)

I'm looking for similar to the OP. I really wanted to spend more like $800, but I want to be able to 4 table and that means 1600x1200, which means 17", right? If there was a 15.5" that supported 4 tables, that would be great, because I plan to travel with this laptop and the smaller the better.

I saw a really nice HP laptop at Costco the other day for around $1400 and it had way nicer specs than I need. 2.4 GHz dual core, 17", CD/DVD burner, 320 gb hd, fingerprint reader, webcam, 2 GB ram, everything. Now I've been looking online and I'm finding machines in the same price range
are not nearly as nice. Does HP just have lower quality or what?

Is ebay a good option for a new laptop, or should I steer clear? Do I have any chance of finding a good poker laptop for under $1000, or am I going to have to extend my budget?
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