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Old 11-08-2007, 03:50 AM
Coelacanth Coelacanth is offline
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Default Re: Mid Limit Holdem Games in the Bay Area

I haven't played the AJs game very recently, but in the past it's been juicy as hell, softplay or not. It doesn't matter much that the regulars are checking it down when the best of them are limping UTG with 74o. I'm pretty sure you can make more money playing 15/30 at AJs than you can playing 20/40 at Bay 101. Incidentally, I've also heard complaints of the Chinese regulars speaking to each other during a hand, but the rare times I've been there they haven't been speaking about the hand. Basically I hear a lot of rumors about sketchiness at AJs, but I beat the game for a huge amount over a small period of time and didn't see anything except a normal amount of checking it down between regulars, same as I see everywhere.

The Oaks 30/60 game last year was about on par with the Bay 101 20, although I haven't been there in about a year. The Oaks 15 was a great game over a very small sample size.

The 20/40 at Bay 101 and GC are very beatable by even tight mediocre players. GC generally plays easier in my experience, but I rarely go there because I think the place sucks. GC 40 game has been pretty good to me when it runs. The "good" GC regulars are generally worse than the "good" Bay 101 regulars. I wouldn't be overly concerned with props in either San Jose card room - few of them are fish, most of them are decent but not stellar. Bay 101 40 varies from pretty good to terrible. 1/2 (from the perspective of someone who beats the 40 game) generally looks to be okay to bad. Every now and then I jump in when it looks good, but most often it's 6 or 7 decent to great players and 1 or 2 mediocre to bad ones, and often the bad ones buy in short and bust quickly.

I'd seriously doubt any rumors of crews working the 6/12 games in San Jose. Also, IMO Bay 101 has better dealers and better floormen than GC.
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