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Old 11-08-2007, 03:18 AM
Craggoo Craggoo is offline
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Default What is the correct ruling?

I experienced a situation a few days ago that the table discussed for a while afterward. We were all pretty sure the floor made the wrong decision (usually they are very good about this sort of thing). I know both players. One player, Mo, raises preflop. One guy calls him down on a Q high board. I don't remember the exact texture, but it turned into a 4 card straight board. This other guy kept asking mo, do you have it? do you have it?. Mo flipped up one card (which didn't complete the straight). This guy threw his Q face up into the middle like you would if you were mucking, and mucked the other card. Mo (and the rest of us) took this as a sign this guy wasnt calling. Mo flipped up ace high and the dealer started to ship the pot to him. The other guy says "i havent called or folded yet (which we were all pretty sure that was his intention". Floor comes over and rules that the other guy's hand is still live and that he would be given a chance to call or fold; obviously he called since he knew what Mo had. Did the floor make the right decision? The whole table was convinced this other guy had mucked his hand and had no intention of calling. Seemed like a total angleshoot to me at the time.
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