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Old 11-08-2007, 01:34 AM
Cry Me A River Cry Me A River is offline
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Default Re: Weird spot with friend and possible jailtime

How does this guy not approach you directly for a loan instead of through a third party? That's SUPER sketchy!

And I've never heard of any business that would not press charges in return for money being paid back, unless maybe it's enough that the business could really suffer. They just have the accountants write it off and nail the perpetrator as hard as possible. Particularly since in a lot of cases, the judge will order restitution as part of (say) a probation agreement. Or the DA may accept a plea that includes restitution. So the business has a decent chance of getting some or all of the money back, anyway.

I'd def follow this up and find out what's really going on before I'd consider handing over any cash.
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