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Old 11-08-2007, 12:02 AM
guitarizt guitarizt is offline
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Default Re: Why Doesn\'t TAG Work For Me?

ICMoney I was a typical 18/15/4 tag. I actually just played a session where I lagged it up again even though the tables were pretty fishy, and I lost KK<AA ai pf but I still finished the session up. I swear it's like night and day when I play tag versus lag.

BTW the reason I'm asking this is because I would like a better grasp of what is actually going on here. I know it works, but the only reason I've come up with for why it works is because I just naturally be a lag player and my thought process just doesn't work with a tag approach to the game.

I really would like to still be able to play both styles. I want to be able to understand the tag game well enough to teach it to someone, but until then I'll just enjoy winning again.