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Old 11-07-2007, 06:40 PM
Borodog Borodog is offline
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Default YARPT

Yet Another Ron Paul Thread

Thought this one was special enough to get it's own thread. There seems to be a growing divide between Republican organizations and their rank and file membership. For example, this email from my wife:

Read this one:
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Then read this one:
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Ron Paul is not running an internet campaign. The internet is running Ron Paul.

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The first article is a blurb stating that Dr. Paul was denied access to the NYC Republican Club for a fundraiser back in October:

Ron Paul’s campaign stated on its website that the New York Republican club told the campaign that there wasn’t enough support on its board to allow Ron Paul to host a fund raiser at the club.
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Paul’s campaign is looking for another location for the October 12th fund raiser.
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The Metropolitan Republican club states on its website that:
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“We are a varied and enthusiastic group with the common goal of supporting New York City Republican candidates and ideals. Met Club activities include election campaigns, informational programs, and social events. Anyone who shares our basic goals and beliefs is welcome to become a member of the Metropolitan Republican Club.”

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The second article is a blog blurb on Dr. Paul winning the NYC Republican Club's own straw poll:

Ron Paul Wins! That’s the headline today after the first New York State Republican Straw Poll. Clearly, after raking in a record amount of money the other day, Mr. Paul is on a roll. He seems to have out-organized his fellow Republicans — on Rudolph W. Giuliani’s home turf.
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The New York State straw poll was conducted Tuesday at the Metropolitan Republican Club in New York City.
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The results: Mr. Paul, 26 votes; Mr. Giuliani, 21; Mitt Romney, 6; John McCain, 4; Mike Huckabee, 2; Duncan Hunter, 1; Fred Thompson, 1; Tom Tancredo, 0.

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What a difference a month can make? Or is it possible that the support from the membership was strong all along, and highly placed officials in the NYCRC denied the fundraiser on their own initiative? I don't know. But there has been a pattern of party elites excluding Dr. Paul from certain events while inviting far "fringier and longshottier" candidates like Tancredo, Brownback, Hunter in the past, and there is simply no way to sustain this anymore. Paul is in third place behind Giuliani and Romney in prediction markets, having surpassed both John McCain and Fred Thompson.

Interesting things are afoot.
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