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Old 11-07-2007, 04:10 PM
duckman duckman is offline
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Default Re: The Dimensions of Light

The dimensions could be better described as density levels. Dimension doesn’t refer to length, width, and height in this case, with a position or place in space, but rather to a resonance of energy. Those who resonate with a particular level of energy, referring to their vibration and light quotient, exist in that dimension. The 3rd dimension is a particular resonance, the vibration of the physical, measurable universe. In this paradigm, that is a very small portion of the universal “spectrum.” The other dimensions represent mostly nonphysical levels of consciousness. Each dimension has its own qualities, assets, drawbacks, and rules of existence, which are very different from our own. Our physical world intersects with these other dimensions, and we have access to them during expanded states of consciousness. Several things or beings can exist at the same point in space but be in different dimensions, unperceived, much as radio waves, television waves, and light waves can all exist at the same point in space yet in different frequencies. There is overlap between dimensions, but as humans we are based mostly in this third level, while other forms of life are based in other levels. Under the right circumstances, they, too, can interact with our world. Our consciousness exists on all density levels, but we are not usually aware of these other levels.

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I appreciate your attempt to descibe the possible link between conciousness and quantum mechanics but it looks like there is little interest in an open discussion in this forum.
The responses remind me of how Galileo was received.
From the Indigo Girls Galileo
"Galileo's head was on the block the crime was looking up the truth
as the bombshells of my daily fears explode i try to trace them to my youth
then you had to bring up reincarnation over a couple of beers the other night
now i'm serving time for mistakes made by another in another lifetime
how long till my soul gets it right can any human being ever reach that kind of light
i call on the resting soul of galileo king of night vision king of insight
i think about my fear of motion which i never could explain some other fool across the ocean years ago must have crashed his little airplane
how long till my soul gets it right can any human being ever reach that kind of light
i call on the resting soul of galileo king of night vision king of insight
i'm not making a joke you know me i take everything so seriously
if we wait for the time till all souls get it right then at least i know there'll be no nuclear annihilation
in my lifetime I'm still not right
i offer thanks to those before me that's all i've got to say
maybe you squandered big bucks in your lifetime now I've got to pay
but then again it feels like some sort of inspiration to let the next life off the hook
or she'll say look what i had to overcome from my last life i think i'll write a book
how long till my soul gets it right can any human being ever reach that kind of light
i call on the resting sould of galileo king of night vision king of insight how long, how long, how long"

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