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Old 11-07-2007, 03:24 PM
wadea wadea is offline
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Default Re: This Season of SNL

I agree. Since the addition of Samberg, the show has been getting better. I agree with others that Samberg, Hader and Wiig are the cream of the cast. Fred Armisen is also good and can do many characters very well. I TiVO SNL every week and watch it Sunday morning with breakfast. The commercial right after the monologue is usually the best skit, imo.

The two players I am tired of seeing are Maya and Kenan. Maya basically has only one character that she adapts to different sketches. Unfortunately, this usually involves her corny singing bit. The only funny thing Kenan ever does is poke fun at himself for being the token black guy on the cast.

BTW, I kind of miss Amy Poeler's sketch where she is Rick's (Horatio Sanz) eight-year-old neice and ends up running around the couch yelling, "Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick!"
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