Thread: Motorcycles
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Old 11-07-2007, 01:13 PM
Big Bend Big Bend is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: I just wana ride my motorcycle
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Default Re: Motorcycles

Hi Matt,

I got my first motorcycle last year at the age of 42 (and a month later I bought a new BMW). My wife and kids were quite displeased with dad's latest obsession, fearing the worst. But I promised to take EVERY precaution to be safe. In the last year I put 20K miles on my BMW. Here is what I do to try to stay alive.

First, I took the Motorcycle Safety Class, which was very helpful. Later I took the Experienced Motorcycle class.

Second, I ALWAYS ALWAYS wear ALL THE GEAR, ALL THE TIME (ATGATT). I'm talking full face helmet, jacket, pants, gloves and boots. I NEVER ride without ALL THE GEAR! This is hugely important. I don't care if its 100+ degrees outside, I wear ALL THE GEAR, ALL THE TIME! Don't wear a half face helmet, blue jeans, tennis shoes, denim jacket, crap like that. Get GOOD gear, a complete set, and wear it ALL the time! I can't stress this enough. I love waving to other motorcycle riders, but I don't wave if they're not wearing a helmet.

Third, I try to make myself as visible as possible. Most collisions happen cause a cage (car) driver says they didn't see the motorcycle. For me that meant putting on all kinds of extra lights and reflectors on the bike, and wearing a BRIGHT yellow riding suit that literally glows in the dark. Do I look like a banana when I'm riding instead of a cool guy in black leather? Yes. Do I care? No, I'm allergic to skin grafts, I really don't want to get hurt. I also got a Kisan License Plate LED system. Those bright blinking LEDs really make a difference in being seen. There is no such thing as a fender bender on a motorcycle, I really don't want to get rear-ended.

And finally, I drive like everybody is literally trying to kill me. On my rear case I put the letters "Back off please" just to try to get people not to follow so close, seems to help.

Anyway yes riding a motorcycle is more dangerous than riding a car, but wow is it so much more fun. I think with ALL the safety gear and high visibility lights and clothing, the dangers can be reduced. I just got back from a 6000+ mile road trip from Texas to California and back (report coming soon).. so totally epic and fun. Enjoy the ride..


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