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Old 11-07-2007, 11:49 AM
Splendour Splendour is offline
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Default Re: Earth is unique and just right for humans indicates a divine plan

I found this part of the article very interesting and ironic at the same time:

"One of the first of these “exoplanets” discovered, in 1996, was at 55 Cancri. Dr. Fischer and her colleagues have been observing that star for 18 years, adding more planets to the list of its retinue as they have made their presence known.The outermost and heaviest planet in the system, which is four times as massive as Jupiter, circles at a distance of 500 million miles, slightly farther than Jupiter in our own system, and takes 14 years to complete an orbit. Because the astronomers have to see a complete cycle before they know a planet is there, its presence was confirmed only in 2002. "

It takes a human being 18 years to find all the planets and one planet takes 14 years to make 1 orbit, yet people think God should reveal his plan in an instant. Quite a little contradiction in human patience and understanding between the way we understand the heavens and the way we understand God. I'm sure no one will follow my reasoning. I can't follow it so why should anyone else. I am just drawing another parallel.

But don't scientists acknowledge that the earth is very unique in so many attributes that manage to sustain life that the odds that we could sustain life if it wasn't a plan are astronomical. I mean water, the right distance from the sun, the right distance from the moon, the right gravity. Don't all of these seem like a miracle or an act of providence that allowed humans and all other life forms to exist?
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