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Old 11-07-2007, 10:52 AM
disjunction disjunction is offline
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Default Re: Doesn\'t it erk you when....

When I first played I remained quiet at the table. You know, the silent assassin, because that's what they tell you to be like in movies and books. Those who know most, say least.

Then I realized it rarely matters what I say. I don't talk strategy much because I'm not likely to get an interesting response, but if someone asks me what I was thinking, if they aren't very good and I like them, I'll tell them. The result is that the bad players start playing super-tricky against me and also they peel with crap, which is good because at a good table I play straightforward for 1 bet, and I don't fold (limit).

I don't use the word donkey though. A pet peeve of mine is when people dehumanize other people like that.
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