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Old 11-06-2007, 11:47 PM
Howard Beale Howard Beale is offline
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Default I\'m high on Vicodin and I have 2 black Aces

(preface: I'll probably post in OOT about my herniated disk in a few days but for now all I need to say is that I've been given Vicodin ES (extra-strength) for the pain. I take one at Starbucks on the way to CAZ and it usually kicks in around the time I sit down to play. Effects last ~4 hours. Nice and mellow but a bit cloudy on the thinking......)

CAZ's 20 today and the game's a beaut. All the action you could want but you've got to show a winner 90% of the time. UTG is a middle-eastern man who shouldn't be let near a poker table. He's got a better shot at blackjack. UTG+1 is an regular asian woman who is horrible but can make the occasional good play. LP is another asian woman who is notorious in the 20 game both for her bad play and bad behavior.

UTG and UTG+1 limp, I raise w/ 2 black Aces, LP and UTG call and UTG+1 3-bets. This was a real shockeroo as I don't think I've ever seen her do this. I cap and the rest come along.



UTG checks, UTG+1 bets, I raise, LP and UTG call and UTG+1 3-bets. Lovely. Of course I'm worried that she's got the Kings. I decide to just call and see what the turn brings.



I'm not particularly worried about the other 2 players. If they have anything at all it isn't much. They are the types to shovel in chips and hope to win. If UTG+1 bets and I raise I'm almost certain to get 3-bet by her because her style is to keep it up once she gets a full head of steam going.

UTG checks, UTG+1 bets and I......
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