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Old 11-06-2007, 07:49 PM
Rustjive Rustjive is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 68
Default Re: Heisman Prop Bet

This is where reading comprehension comes in. I am not looking for Matt Ryan to win the Heisman - I mentioned they were contracts very specifically because, frankly, it matters. I am wondering at the end of the season, if Ryan has played decently and BC is in a position to represent the ACC in the BCS, will Ryan's odds improve appreciably? Contracts are $2 buy, $0 sell right now - how confident are you that they won't move to $11 buy, $8 sell at the end of the season?

To give you a little context on where this may have happened, McFadden was $4 buy, $2 sell a few weeks ago.

Again, these are contracts, not fixed bets. If you're willing to give me a market every week and 75:1 on current Matt Ryan contracts, then I may have to take you up on it.
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