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Old 11-06-2007, 05:41 PM
Big Bend Big Bend is offline
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Default Re: New to OOT. Have custody of my nephews. LONG

Dump the wife and take care of the kids by yourself if you have to. The life of a child is precious and more important than your marriage in this case. I really feel that way.

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I find it absolutely astounding that people are actually this stupid. My wife is the single, most important person in my life -- more important than my parents, siblings, and yes, even my own children.

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I find it absolutely astounding that people are actually this selfish. NO WAY is a wife more important than your kids!!! If she is, then you are a terrible parent.

Wives come and go, can always get another one if necessary. But your children are you LIFE! They MUST be taken care of. People who abandon their children are the scum of the earth and deserve to be damned forever.

I love my wife of 22 years dearly, but I'd kick her to the curb in a second if she tried to keep me from raising the children I needed to take care of. Way too many self-centered a-holes out there who don't take care of their responsibilities - and the innocent children suffer as a result.

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