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Old 11-06-2007, 04:38 PM
tdarko tdarko is offline
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Default Re: Official NBA Season Thread


1. Barea isn't really that bad. Excellent at penetrating, has a decent shot and makes good decisions. If he weren't so undersized he would be sought after in the league.

2. The reason Barea is starting while Devin is hurt is b/c (quoting Avery) they want to keep JET in the same sixth man role--they also think that their team is much more dangerous w/ Terry in a shoot first role off the bench than in the pass first pg role controlling the offense.

3. Barea moves back to the bench and gets small minutes when Devin comes back even though he showed that he can produce--but he showed that he has a ton of energy and can spark runs last year.

4. The homers (me) were sick of JET at the point b/c your PG can't be a statue on defense, shoot first mentality and get little assists each night. JET had many nights where he was cold cold cold and was 5-22 from the field and on those nights he kills you b/c he has 3 assists and gives up the lane every time on the other end of the floor. Now that he has a specific role which is more conducive to his style I think I will like him more--mainly b/c he won't suck as much.
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