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Old 11-06-2007, 04:18 PM
Taraz Taraz is offline
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Default Re: A More Realistic Fred And Ginger Problem

'Smarter' (to me at least) is too crude a distinguisher. Instead, I would say that:

Fred is likely to have a good career as a stockbroker, quantitative analyst, or some other such post in a place like a bank or financial services company

Ginger is likely to have a good career as a professor of mathematics at a university.

Fred would be terrible at Gingers career, and Ginger would suck at Freds.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with this. Nobody agrees on what the definition of intelligence is, so the best you can say is that they are each better at some things.

Ginger would clearly be the better academic and is more likely to make a meaningful contribution to the advancement of a field. Fred on the other hand would make a much better "worker" and would clearly outproduce Ginger in terms of the work he can accomplish in any given set of time.
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