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Old 11-06-2007, 04:06 PM
Rustjive Rustjive is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 68
Default Re: Heisman Prop Bet

Let's revive this. After Ryan's craptacular weekend, he went from 30/35 Sell/Buy on WSEX to 0/2 - basically from +186 to +4900. I'll agree that his chance of winning this is basically nil - but let's say he plays decently, BC wins out in their schedule - if BC is the ACC BCS rep, which is easily still possible, then Ryan's gotta be in the fringes of the discussion, right? Seems to me that with, what, potentially 6 games left to play, WSEX is discounting Ryan too quickly, right?

The rest of the candidates look like this:
Dixon, 35/40 - +150
McFadden, 22/27 - +270
Tebow, 16/21 - +376
Hart, 2/4 - +2400
Daniel, 2/4 - +2400
Brennan, 1/3 - +3233
Woodson, 0/2 - +4900
White, 0/2 - +4900

By the way, these are contracts, so sell at any time.

Edit: Also, if you're not in this already, note that the top 3 candidates are 40 + 27 + 21, or -733 that it's 1 of the 3 heavy favorites.
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