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Old 11-06-2007, 03:51 PM
samsonh samsonh is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 462
Default Re: Bonds Responds


I completely agree that the football players would win. The first clip of rugby I have ever seen was the Youtube clip that was posted. You shouldn't assume things.

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Speaking of assuming things, I think the football players wouldn't stand a I'm not sure how you are "completely agreeing", when we have different viewpoints.

Like I said, I merely posted a historical fact that showed it had happened before.

I never concluded that it would happen again, and I personally think it wouldn't be possible.


You never said Hank was a habitual user, yet you classified him as a drug cheat.

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Using the criteria as defined by the person I was debating, who defined "cheating" as even one-time use, in order to display his own hypocrisy as he quickly backed off that stance when he discovered Aaron himself had once admitted to PED use.

I'll give you that the Clear was not illegal,

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Nice of you to be so generous, considering you had asserted the opposite until I threw indisputable proof in your face.

Funny how that works, huh?


Did Bonds violate steroid policy? Maybe not.

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There is no maybe. It is indisputable fact that Barry Bonds has not violated the MLB Steroid Policy.

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And you wonder how I can call you intellectually dishonest? LOL. Take every point in my post that you cannot answer and avoid it. I likey. I take your avoidance as a yes that Bonds did take steroids.
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